Do you have the BAFX Products IR repeater kit and want to extend the length of the IR receiver or emitters using the existing CAT5 connections in your home? Sure, you can splice the IR receiver or emitters into CAT5 cable but that can be problematic. If the splices are not done PERFECTLY it can skew the IR signal and you have to do it all over again! Purchasing this CAT5 IR Repeater Adapter Kit will allow you to simply connect a few components together and plug it into your existing CAT5 jacks and your good to go! See our images for how it works! This kit includes: (2x) 3Ft CAT5 cables (2x) 10" CAT5 to 3.5mm adapters (1x) 3.5mm Male ot Male adapter (1x) Instructions Can be used to extend either IR receiver or emitters! 1 Year manufacturer warranty from BAFX Products We can ONLY guarantee that this adapter kit will work with the BAFX Products IR Repeater Kit and it's components. Not all repeater kits are made equal and we CANNOT, in any way, promise this adapter kit will work with other brands of repeater kits or their components! Please also note that the CAT5 line you run the IR signal over must NOT be used for ANY other application such as an internet connection. This must be used with a dedicated CAT5 line.